W dniu 28 października klasa VIII a oraz VIII b wybrała się do Teatru Variété na sztukę w języku angielskim pt. ,,The Great Gatsby”. Dla Uczniów była to pierwsza okazja, by usłyszeć język Szekspira w teatrze. Oto ich wrażenia po spektaklu:
,,I really liked the show, the action was dynamic and the actors played their roles perfectly.”
,,The show was pretty long, while not being exhausting and dull. I also think it represented the book pretty well. I really liked the performance of the actors, and overall, it was a good experience.”
,,I liked the show mainly because of the acting. I just kept getting the characters mixed up because they were the same actors.”
,,It was really nice and funny. I especially liked the part when actors came to the audience and were talking with us.”
,,As for me, I didn’t like the performance because the actors spoke very quickly and indistinctly and I didn’t understand anything.”
,,I liked the show because of the good acting, but sometimes it was boring because nothing was happening.”
,,In my opinion the show was interesting because of the lighting effects and the acting of some of the actors. It was good but it was hard to concentrate in 100% and understand the whole message.”
recenzje zebrała: Magdalena Piwowar